Server Rules

Written by
General Rules:
This is an English server (No talking in a different language in chat/voice chat).
Do not do anything to harm the server or exploit it.
Respect everyone in-game (Player disrespect is not allowed).
Do not prop climb, surf, block, push, trap or spam.
Do not body-block anything (Doorways).
No Roleplaying in spawn.
Scamming is not allowed.
Do not backseat administrate 
Do not hack/use scripts (Bunny hopping for example).
Use @ to contact an admin, not OOC or Advert (We class this as Meta-Gaming).
Do not Meta-Game (Using an RP situation in OOC).
Do not place entities in places you do not own.
No mic spamming/spamming chat.
No LTAP/DTAP (Leaving to avoid punishment/Disconnecting to avoid punishment) This involves changing jobs too.
No swearing excessive swearing in OOC. 
No combined adverts (Example - /advert Raid/Bank Raid/Mug 5k) However you can use simple ones like Raid/Assist.
Base takeovers are forbidden.
Do not spam NPC's.
Do not ARDM (Attempted Random Deathmatch)/Shooting randomly near people or at walls to just aggravate.
You cannot disrupt admin sits, shoot at admins on duty or disrespect staff.

RP Rules:
No RDM (Random Death Match) - Killing someone for no RP reason, this involves damaging people too.
No False Warnings - Warnings must be given once through /advert, giving the person in question 10 seconds to follow it.
No FailRP - Failing to stick to your in-game roleplaying character.
No breaking NLR - New life rule (The timer is 3 minutes on this server).
No RDA (Random Arrest) Arresting someone without a valid RP reason.
No FDA - Fading Door Abuse.
No false warrants / random warrants.
No building as a cop.
The highest ranked government member online may build in the PD. 
Do not put any sexual/racist videos on in the cinema (As cinema owner).
Only the bank manager can build in the bank. (hired guards may do so aswell)
When placing a hit on someone you must have a reason, and the hitman must ask you for the reason.
Do not place entities in unreachable places (On top of roofs for example).
You must advert steal before stealing something on the streets (EG - Someone holding a printer outdoors, you advert steal to kill the guy and take it).
You cannot self-supply. 
No blocking of tunnels/roadways etc.
No building on the road even if you are a hobo.
No spamming car horns.
You cannot own a base as a hobo. 
Cop baiting is forbidden (The act of trying to provoke police to chase/shoot at you).
Any form of auto-money collecting is forbidden. Other than legitimate ways (E2/wire is not allowed for this).

Building Rules:
You cannot own more than one base, if you own a base you must use it.
To own at least two buildings as part of a megabase, you must have 5+ players within your group to claim that area.
You must have at least one entrance/exit to your base (That area to build around, however, must not contain world props used for RP purposes
You can only have 4 fading doors in your base (You can have another 3 fading doors for entities, you cannot have defences on them though).
You may not build fading doors on world doors, props must be built approximately "1.5 hunter plate" distance away from any world door.
^I.e: 1b2c4f9980cbe7bc18bb3f40ae3dc81a.png 

This shows the correct distance "away" from the sides of the door frame. 
This rule does not apply to the other "2d" (y or x) axis of direction.
You may not use Nocollided props in and around your base structure, i.e. to prevent lockpicking and hide areas within your actual base structure.
All members of your base MUST own at least the front door (If not they have to advert counter if you are being raided).
You may not use fence props as entrance fading doors.
You must keep any fence props a translucent material.
You cannot make props completely invisible.
You may not colour/materialise props to be completely black.
The use of WorldGlow is forbidden.
You must own all the doors in your base.
Keypads must be easily visible/accessible and somewhat near the connected props.
Racist/offensive buildings are forbidden.
You cannot RP when you have a building sign up, you must remove your building sign when finished building.
Your keypad must have a 5 seconds hold length at least.
Any forms of structures within your base used for defensive measures, i.e. shooting windows, must have both sides on the same floor level as each other.
Shooting windows that are opaque must be activated by a keypad with a minimum holding length of 10 seconds.
Shooting windows that are translucent may be activated by a button. 

Your shooting windows must be larger than a 0.5x0.5 hunter plate.
^I.e: 3d294d95401f27dca367ba7f70ab3940.png 

Green showing the minimum size to be used for a shooting window.
Gaps to portray a window may be used and must be at least 0.5x0.5 hunter plate.
Your shooting windows must also be placed between head to elbow height.
^I.e: 46a7c811c69322fbe61c58606005edec.png

Green showing the area between these two points to be deemed acceptable.
You must at least have a 0.25x0.25 hunter plate of your shooting window within the green area if your shooting window is designed to be larger and is above or under this area.
You cannot have a crouch base.
Your base fading doors must be able to fit at least 2 players in length (Front and back and side to side) at all times.
^I.e: 1da2c3691bf6f23fda77ba63675f5762.png

The green shows the correct area for this length and width.
You must have a space at least as big as the green squares.
Approximately 0.75x0.75 hunter plates can fit one person.
You can have sky bases but they must be on a platform so they are not just floating.
You may not build any higher than the top floor of any building, effectively meaning no rooftop bases but you may build on the outsides of such buildings.
Floating objects aren't allowed using E2.
Body Modifications/character modifications are forbidden. (Using E2/Wire)
Vehicles/transportation using E2 is forbidden.

KOS Rules:
The font size of 100 must be used.
Signs must not be placed on the sidewalk.
The coolvetica-outlined font must be used.

Default Laws of the City
These laws are active whether there is a mayor or not.
Police may AoS for these matters and the Mayor may alter any of these.
Attacking someone is illegal.
Weapons larger than a pistol are illegal.
Weapons out in public are legal although firing them in public is illegal unless there is an acceptable cause to do so.
Any sort of action regarding hits is illegal (Including /advert'ing it).
Bitcoin Entities are legal. 
Printers are illegal.
Raiding, kidnapping and mugging are illegal acts.
Items sold by the BMD are considered illegal(regardless if you spawn with it).

Government Rules:
As a government member, you cannot own a base. The PD is your home.
You cannot own any entities as a government member.
You must have a valid RP reason to arrest someone.
Do not arrest someone because they have broken a server rule, call an admin for these matters.
You must look after the mayor as a Cop, do everything he says, as long as it is legal.
As mayor, you must actually do something for the city (Host public announcements on what is going on with the city etc).
You cannot be a corrupt cop.
You cannot put anything inappropriate in the city laws.
You cannot kill/arrest any other government member.
If someone resists arrest you can kill them as long as you warn them verbally. 
When the bank/PD is being raided there is no NLR timer for cops if they die.

Carjacking Rules:
You must advert Carjack.
You can only hold a car for 15 minutes maximum.
You can only carjack every 25 minutes.
You may offer to sell the car for a maximum of $100000. You can only sell to the car owner.

Raid & Mug Rules:
You must advert to mug/raid someone.
Do not use a raiding tool on a base unless you enter and attempt to raid.
You can NOT spawn any props whilst raiding/getting raided.